Public Speaking: A Guide for 20's Shy and Introverted People
Everyone has this desire to speak and people listen to them
But when you try body starts behaving like an enemy.
Sweating starts, and Lips start to tremble.
Your body starts shaking a lot due to fear.
Words are on the tongue but not coming out of the mouth.
You become so conscious that your words start to be forgotten.
Be afraid to see so many people.

A complete dimension of yourself you can see If you try Public speaking for the first time.
But you are not the first person on this earth who is going to do public speaking or not go through this difficult process.
I have 5 points because you will be able to win the stage and people will not feel that you are doing public speaking for the first time.
You can win the audience's hearts and their claps you can listen in your ear.
Step 1: Will you Talk on Every Topic or on One Topic
Whenever you do public speaking in the future OR tomorrow only try to cover some topics.
You must have noticed if you watch 10-minute YouTube videos you don’t remember the first 9 minutes of the video what that person tells in starting you can’t recall. Why?
At the end of the video, LAST 1 OR 2 minutes you are only able to recall those parts.
This is human nature and you also going to speak in front of humans, so you need to understand human nature.
So what do I do?
Before going to the stage always 30 minutes to practice what points I am going to cover in my speech, The best thing is you make a small list of those points.
Always ask the organizer what types of audience are coming to listen to me because if your talk doesn’t resonate with themselves they are going to rate you minus 10.
People don’t want quality products they want a good experience with products, so that they buy quality products.
So before going to speak any single words always keep in mind what points I am going to talk but and how to make these points interesting so that people concentrate on my words.
Points 2: Playing with Examples and Incidents
If I 2 lines but they saying the same thing.
Example: This year Apple's total revenue is $500 billion dollar and the same thing I say in another way Next year its revenue is $400 billion dollar but this year Apple earned $500 billion.
I say the same thing just a different way of saying it appeals more interesting and engaging.
Anytime you notice every public speaker always includes examples, stories, incidents, and comparisons between things.
Because It keeps people hooked to your words and they know what people like and what not.
So what do you do?
Do some research or if you have any interesting stories or examples related to your points include them, Instead of saying one single line - compare two lines.
Starting these things takes time but because of compounding after 10–15 speeches, these form a habit.
I guarantee you people will start loving your personality if you follow these points.
How do I present myself on stage or in front of the public?

Points 3: Presenting yourself in Front of People
You can’t deny: that the first impression is the last impression.
People form opinions FIRST by looking at your body language and dressing sense even without saying a single word.
So what I do is simple
- According to your audience wear clothes: in stand-up comedy, you aren’t going to wear a corporate suit. So dress yourself according to the public but always remember to wear in which you feel comfortable.
- Your body language matters: First impressions of yourself go through your body language. So what do to improve body language there is multiple but I tell you 2 important things only.
Cover as much as space you can cover by your body no close body
Your spine need to straight because of this your testrone and confidence level increase automatically
Before speaking anything see your audience make eye contact, take a long breathe then speak(make curious to people)
Points 4: How to Begin Public Speaking
When you are on the stage don’t start talking right away take your time breathe long, see the audience then with one or two words START your speech, first Warm people then start your speech.
You will notice one thing when a speaker speaks every 10–15 minutes they drink some water.
This thing gives them time to rethink is this speech going in the right direction or not and it starts again.
One thing also includes: always asking questions to the public.
From this public feels connected with you and they also feel they contributing to your speech and because of this, you get more favor on your side.
But where do I practice public speaking?

Points 5: As a 20's Where can I do Public Speaking
You have 5 options to try which you like.
And which you make uncomfortable Try it first!
- Job people: Give speech in your office, teach your office people if you learn any new skill, tell your boss to give some junior those you can teach.
- For Students: Teach your junior in college or school or in an NGO, or in your class start asking questions with teachers or ask questions in public with real people.
- Make videos, People also feel uncomfortable with the camera but if you become comfortable with the camera then you aren’t afraid of people(make a short video of yourself try 1 minute daily).
- Apply for your local talks you need to begin today or tomorrow but today is the best day.
- Parties also help in speaking at birthdays or marriages taking the mic and speaking, interact with people as much as possible
5Key points if you don’t have time to invest in yourself.
- People form opinions so fast before you speak a single word so act smartly.
- You are not mature so take a breath, make points then start your speech.
- People love spices so give them what they want not what you want.
- 1 minute of making a video daily can change your personality.
- Where to practice: everywhere you see people, as your age increases you gain respect at an early age you have nothing to lose.