How to Rank #1 on Google[Shortest SEO Article on Google]
In 20 hours my article ranked on the first page of Google’s 5th position.
SEO was good till 2015 when Google was stupid.
My 5-Step Rule, Don’t miss it.

Rule 1: Write Until you BORE
The article that ranked mine took 35 hours of work in 8 days but after the 9th day, I didn’t enjoy writing so I decided to wrap up with a conclusion.
I wrote a conclusion and I wrote 4500 words but by removing weed my article reached 2500 words.
So write until you are bored if you are writing for yourself.
If you are a company then cover every point that the article topic demands.
Rule 2: Focus on MAX 3 Lines
I cut everything that helps me to keep my paragraph under 3 lines.
People don’t like blocky paragraphs they are happy to read long posts but don’t show that long post in one scroll/place.
Cut down and make 1/2/3 linear but avoid wall-size text otherwise your hard work is going to waste.
Rule 3: VISUAL appealing
People are happy to pay extra dollars if you give value plus design.
By making your blog post, and article visually appealing.
People read content until they get bored.
But when you use an infographic, meme, or image this thing works as a Billboard, in your favorite TV show AD-break.
Making visually appealing is also important because your images also going to rank in Google and this helps you to bring more traffic.
Rule 4: Ask What you Want, Don’t SHY
In my article after the conclusion, I proudly write In this article I invest 35 hours in 8 days of work please like and comment.
And I get 193 like 3 comments and 7 new readers.
If you work hard then you deserve and it is your duty to talk about your hard work.
Always in the last of your content ask — like comment, buy, share anything but don’t leave your content abandoned.
End your content with a CTA.
Rule 5: Word is Important if Topic Demand
Next week I am going to write an article of more than 3000 words because SEO is broad and SEO demands to cover all topics under it.
By length people plus Google today also think it is valuable or good content.
So according to your topic see how many words would be appropriate to write.
Rule 4: End your content with a CTA — Don’t forget to FOLLOW ❤️- get your daily PREMIUM article on your feed