5 Top TEDx Talks You can’t MISS in Life if You Want to Succeed
Ted Talk is the only thing for which people pay if it's all free content removed from the internet.
Every single Talk information is equal to a course an industry leader taught us.
But there is a quote people don’t value free things, if they paid then they value it.
But Today if you really serious about life and want to succeed then these 5 TED talks are enough to make a difference in life.

First TedxTALK: By Caroline McHugh
Caroline McHugh this TedxTalk has 15.3 million views.
Topic: The Art of Being Yourself
Small Brief: You will get emotional about how she touches your inner self and a line that I love from this Talk like “Since that day I have never been the center of attention. You’re the center of mine and that’s a very different feeling”.
“Why do you deserve to exist?” is a question that really shakes your mind.
You can’t miss this TEDX talk.
Second TedxTALK: Stephen Duneier
Stephen Duneier this TEDx talk has 12 million views
Title: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals
Brief: If you have a goal but are not able to work on it, or you do not have the courage to take action for your dreams then this talk is for you because in this Talk Stephen talks about how big you can achieve by breaking in the small task and keep a thing in a time period, repeat thing and so many other point he discusses in this talk.
Third TedxTALK: Josh Kaufman
This is my favorite
If you love reading books then this book sure comes in your recommendation “The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business”
His TEDx talk on YouTube has 36 million views, so think for yourself whether you will miss this TEDx talk or not.
Title: The First 20 Hours — How to Learn Anything
Brief: If you going to learn any skill or in life you want to succeed his words will resonate with you in this video he talks about Deconstruct the skill, learning enough to self-correct, and major barriers are not intellectual so many points he covers, and believing me you get a 20 minute highly paid course at free of cost.
Fourth TedxTALK: Simon Sinek
This is the best book if you want to start a business or start-up.
After watching his video I also ordered his book and I really love it.
Title: Start with WHY — How Great Leaders Inspire Action
His this talk crossed 10 million views and his book is a best seller with more than 1 million copies sold.
Brief: Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over? And so many of your inner questions going to be answered in this video.
Fifth TedxTALK: Adam Leipzig
Adam this video has 19 million views and any people who wander only the street because he hasn’t found his yet purpose and the day he finds it he will not be on the street.
Title: How to know your Life Purpose in 5 minutes
Brief: This is only a 10-minute video Just go and watch this thought that comes to mind when you working hard and there is still time to get the result Then your mind starts giving this notification Brother what is your purpose What is your life purpose on this earth, why I born etc.
These are the 5 TEDxTalk that you can’t miss, Awesome TED Talk Millions of people will benefit from these talks.
In today's Information age biggest opportunity you miss is not having knowledge at the right time.
You don’t know which line or phrase will change your life.